Color therapy

Color therapy

Sometimes we often get tired of constant work or study, we lose our nerves, and it seems that everything fails. At such moments, you need to do something calming, for example, take flowers, birds, animals, vegetable coloring pages. As far back as the 20th century, psychologist Jung advised his patients to color pictures in order to relax. And in the 21st, the fact that his idea works was also confirmed by research. In one of them, for example, scientists from New Zealand asked 115 people to paint pictures for 10 minutes a day. The level of stress and anxiety decreased markedly in the whole group within a week!

Coloring books have always been popular, but mostly among children. Remember, after all, as a child, you probably had a lot of these wonderful magazines with various pictures, plunging into which you could sit for hours. Now, coloring pages for adults have also appeared, which help to plunge headlong into childhood and abstract from the outside world. However, many people have forgotten what it feels like to be a child, painting a picture for them becomes a problem, while children paint it easily, without thinking about how to do it.

So, you took up the materials, but do not know what to do, but there are a lot of questions in your head. Where to begin? What is better to draw? Asking these questions, no one even guesses how simple the answer to them is. You can colorize the coloring pages for girls and boys with anything and only the way you want it and at that very moment!

You can pick up pencils, paints, felt-tip pens, pastels: everything you want! Materials can be combined, colors can be mixed and the pattern will only get better and begin to “come to life” under the bold hand of the master. Try to paint with something that you have never painted before and harmonize colors that seemingly do not fit together.

Image by Dominika Grošková from Pixabay

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