Become famous in the popular social network

Become famous in the popular social network

The account in TikTok is your “personal Hollywood”, where you are a screenwriter, director, cameraman and lead actor.

Constantly learn to come up with ideas for videos, develop video skills and take acting lessons to make the audience watch you. Buy TikTok followers to assure them that you are a star.  It is unlikely that people will want to subscribe to an untidy, stiff, always mumbling person. The lessons found on the Internet will help you stay in front of the camera more confidently, reincarnate for different roles, improve diction – as a result, make your videos more attractive.

There are a lot of video effects in TikTok editor and their number is growing. Use fresh effects to make the video more visible. However, do not turn the video into a collection of effects, titles and transitions – you need to know the golden middle in everything. Nothing prevents you from using other video editors and programs to create images – slide shows, animations, etc.

Communicate with other tiktokers – this way you will exchange tricks and finds, cooperate in promotion, conduct joint actions, for example, recording duets. Remember the famous expression: “If a mongrel barks at you from the gateway, you should not kneel down and bark in response.” Respond to comments patiently and with humor.

Challenge is an invitation to the competition, followed by subscribers, cheering, commenting. The higher the activity on your account, the more often the TokTok algorithm will recommend your channel to new users.

You can participate in other people’s challenges on the principle of a relay stick, or invent your own. The main thing is that the audience should be interested in you.

Actively comment on other people’s videos, especially the ones just published, so that your comments are the first.

Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

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