Freight industry – is there any place for blockchain?

In the freight area technological progress is not very dynamic. Entrepreneurs are used to the present tools, and tables and spreadsheets are still the basis for many valuations and transaction monitoring.

Is it possible to find any place for advanced data security solutions and sales automation tools, after all?

In brief about blockchain technology

Blockchain is an extremely advanced technology focused on the security of transactional data. It is not limited to any industry or specific area of activity. It doesn’t mean, however, that there are no specific conditions that must be met for blockchain to fulfill its role.

In the beginning, the block chain was dedicated for the financial industry. Then the development of this technology was directed to the jewelry industry, and finally expanded to full supply chains, regardless of the industry.

It is a way to detect and prevent extortion and theft occurring in the transaction process throughout its entire space, but also supply chain optimalization.

Is blockchain a technology that meets the needs of freight and logistics?

In the logistics industry, transaction security plays a key role. However, technological development of the IT solutions used in the industry is still not dynamic.

The implementation of advanced solutions such as blockchain means many changes for entrepreneurs. For technology to fulfill its role, it is necessary to prepare not only for financial outlays. It also requires multilateral cooperation between contractors, as well as adaptation of existing processes within own structures, which can often be associated with complete restructuring of the company.

Small steps, big changes

The company’s development perspective focused on implementing the most advanced supply chain protection technology may discourage many entrepreneurs. Although it is definitely worth the investment, unfortunately there are less ready for such changes than more companies.

It is worth starting the development with smaller, but equally important investments. One of these is sales automation tools.

A significant part of entrepreneurs, at the stage of preparation of the offer and freight valuation, are still based on traditional valuation models and tools based on spreadsheets. It is worth noting, however, that both the logistics industry environment and market needs are changing more and more. As a result, the expectations of contractors are not only the highest quality of service and the right value for money. They also expect fluent communication and respond to their requests as soon as possible – regardless of whether they are requests for proposals or for contracts already underway.

Sales automation tools enabling instant freight quotes will undoubtedly be a support for every freight manager.

To be sure that the quoting system will meet expectations, it is worth using the opportunity to test it for free, which allows, among others, logistics software by Quotiss.

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